
Our preprimary division is a composition of Kindergarten and First Grade. Each classroom structure provides opportunities for students to gain independence and responsibility. In both Kindergarten and First Grade, our teachers recognize that academics and social/emotional development vary with each child. With this in mind, instruction is offered through a blend of small group and full-class experiences.

Students Engage In

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Technology
  • Health and Fitness

While respecting the expectations set by the Ministry of Education, the curriculum is presented with a creative, fun, and developmentally appropriate approach. We offer opportunities for the exploration of nature, art, dramatic play, games, puzzles, problem solving, and social/emotional learning through learning centre activities.

Additionally, the whole-child learning experience is sustained through a strong school and home partnership where teachers and parents work closely together.


Staff members and children build strong, caring relationships through their daily interactions.</p> <p>Staff members get to know each child and encourage the development of learning dispositions.

Play Areas

At Kiddy’s Nook, children have opportunities for both indoor and outdoor play.</p> <p>We provide a variety of age-appropriate toys for indoor play. Our dramatic play is changed on a regular basis to reflect the theme that is being used. One such example is our theme, “How Much is that Doggie” where they learn about different pets. Our dramatic play area is transformed into a vet’s clinic where children pretend to take care of animals.</p> <p>Outdoor play is critical for physical development. Our large play areas allow children to move freely while they run, jump, play kick ball and more. Keen supervision is paramount to ensure child safety.


Students enjoy a structured schedule that allows for flexibility. A schedule helps the day to flow more smoothly and allows the children to anticipate upcoming events. We will adhere to our written schedule to the best of our ability. There will be times when we have to make adjustments to the schedule. We appreciate families considering our schedule when picking up or dropping off children.

Experience & Training

Our staff has over 30 years of combined experience in the field of early childhood education. We take pride in what we do and make every effort to stay abreast of the changing trends in the field.</p> <p>It is also a requirement for each member of staff to complete twenty hours of professional development each school year.


We stand by our slogan where “learning and fun go hand in hand”. “Learning through play” and “making learning fun” are the driving factors in our early childhood centers. Learning takes a hands-on approach where children are allowed opportunities to explore science, art, dramatic play, creative play, games and puzzles in our learning centers. Such opportunities help them to develop and build social, critical thinking and problem solving skills.


We maintain a positive discipline policy, which focuses on prevention, redirection, love, consistency and firmness. We stress two main patterns of behavior: respect for other people and respect for property. The children are explained the rules of the center frequently, so they are all familiar with the guidelines. The use of time outs will be rare except when a brief cooling off period is needed.</p> <p>Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will there be any spanking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, name calling or isolation used. Neither food nor sleep will ever be withheld from children as a means of punishment.