Why Kiddy's Nook?
At Kiddy’s Nook we take pride in providing a rich classroom environment with staff that are respectful and caring. We use a variety of strategies for assessment to ensure that learning is taking place and adjust the curriculum and environment to meet the individual needs of students.
Rich Classroom Environment
The classroom environment is the most important source for learning is organized and used in ways that make learning positive, engaging, active, and exciting. Children’s learning and work are the focus of the classroom. Our classrooms are literacy rich with reading and writing incorporated throughout.
Respectful, Caring Relationships
Building strong caring relationships are core to student success. Teachers and children build such relationships through their daily interactions. Teachers get to know each child and encourage the development of learning dispositions.
Children’s development is formally and informally observed through assessment, portfolios, student work samples and various other means. At the same time, teachers reflect on what happens each day in the classroom, e.g. What worked? What didn’t work? and What proved engaging for children?
Physical Development & Wellness
Gives your child opportunities to build large and small muscle skills, strength, stamina, and knowledge needed to live a healthy lifestyle.
Language & Literacy Development
Involves children’s abilities to convey their ideas, thoughts, and feelings through speaking and writing, and their ability to demonstrate early reading skills.
Social & Emotional Development
Supports your child’s ability to express and regulate feelings and develop relations with others
Cognitive Development
Supports the mental processes needed to think, make sense of the world, and understand knowledge across different subjects, including mathematics, science and social studies.
Creative Expression
Helps your child creatively explore the arts, movement, drama and music.
Helps your child to develop a disposition of persistence, willingness and perseverance. Nurtures your child’s ability to cope with difficulties, challenges, conflicts, moods, stress, depression and harmful situations.
Adjustments & Accommodations
Our teachers make adjustments and accommodations in the curriculum to support the learning of individual children and of the group based on observations and reflections.
We make it our passion to nurture a sense of discovery, joy, and wonder in every child. We guide them along the road to discovery with research-based good practices and assessments along six developmental domains.